請問 a pig 同 the pig 有何分別????

2008-07-14 7:26 am
請問 a pig 同 the pig 有何分別????

回答 (3)

2008-07-14 12:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
冠詞(articles)得三個:a / an / the
其中 a / an 解「一個/隻/件/條/份(下刪五千個可能量詞)...」。總之當你見一隻豬時,你可以話:
There is a pig.
呢隻豬對你o黎講只係一隻豬,冇乜特別,例如你講出o黎係用o黎指明「佢屋外有隻豬」:There is a pig outside his house.
但如果你想再講呢隻豬,你就要用 the pig,因為 the 叫做 definite article(定冠詞),界定你唔係講緊求其一隻豬,而係「剛剛提過,或者大家都明白你所指o個一隻」。所以你可續道:The pig is named after his father. (隻豬用左佢老頭子個名)
記住「剛剛提過,或者大家都明白你所指o個一隻」呢個用法。簡單o黎講,第一次提一樣o野,就會用 a/an,再提就用 the。除非係一d一講大家都明係邊個,冇第二個可能o既o野,或一d專有名詞,如 the SAR government/the sun/the University of Hong Kong。
2008-07-14 7:02 pm
a pig係指所有既豬
the pig係指定一隻豬
2008-07-14 7:49 am
a pig 係敘述緊有一隻豬,
the pig 係指 ''個隻豬''

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