
2008-07-14 6:49 am

回答 (2)

2008-07-14 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
海藻粉 included many types of ingredient in molecular gastronomy.

Algin, Citras, Calcic, Gluco, Agar, Kappa, Lota, Metil, Lecite, Sucro, Glice,
Xantana, Fizzy, Malto, Crumiel, etc. and some more.
And I am just practice to work about it, but need a really accurate scale to proceeed your preparation.

Better to visit the web texturaselbulli.com - video included

2008-07-14 22:59:35 補充:
all are ingredients of molecular gastronomy, presented powder form.
pls visit the web to help u much clarify.
參考: experience, experience
2008-07-17 11:53 am

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