Conc. Sulphuric acid+ copper ->observations??

2008-07-13 9:17 pm
但係我見到個答案寫住: Some black solids form on copper surface.
呢句我就我係好明啦....點解會有black solid既??

希望化學高手作答!! 謝

感謝Michael兄!! 但係我讀CE點解無講到你第1個 reaction既....?

回答 (1)

2008-07-13 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The black solid is copper(II) oxide, CuO.

Cu reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to give copper(II) sulphate.
Cu + 2H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2H2O + SO2

This is a combination of two reactions: Firstly, copper reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to give copper(II) oxide, and the reaction is redox. Secondly, copper(II) oxide reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid, and this reaction is neutralization.
(1) Cu + H2SO4­ → CuO + H2O + SO2
(2) CuO + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2O

The second reaction is neutralization, and the sulphuric acid needs water to undergo the neutralization. Since the sulphuric acid used is usually very concentrated (even 98%), there is insufficient amount of water to convert all the copper(II) oxide to copper(II) sulphate. Therefore, some copper(II) oxide is left unreacted and appears as a black solid.

2008-07-21 17:54:38 補充:

其實在香港所有教科書中,都沒有反應 (1)。是自己在重複的實驗中推論的。幾年前在會考曾經在類似的題目,只是問黑色固體是甚麼,亦沒有問方程式(equation)。




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