
2008-07-13 7:35 pm

回答 (2)

2008-07-13 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First.Is the thanking your ground for given to me time personal interview chance.I am 陳淑蘭 and this year is 20 years old.Once attended a Ren benefit Jing time high school with memorial elder brother of one's father in hospital, graduated in 2007, the west baked in the city university the industry the continuing education the college study western the cooking and later on of Yi enter curriculum, I bake and design to have much of interest to the cake creation.Department mile I mastered the cake of the creation blueberry in the middle of the curriculum and the Zhi private's cake and chocolate clipped heart cake etc....When the curriculum end after, I discover I to like more the cake is concerning the western pack since manufacture, know ive from the teacher's in concerning western pack cake manufacture of curriculum, therefore hope book this chance even a dream that carries out me to like to be western pack cake teacher

まず .感謝するお土上げるで私回が機会を面接する .私は陳淑蘭と申して、今年は 20 才です。かつて回が医院靚が濟が仁を勉強する伯は中学校を記念して、卒業するで 2007 年は、次いで城大学と専門学校業で学院が洋式の調理及び中西を履修して焙じた毅を研修してカリキュラムに入る ,私はケーキについて制作して焙じて、そして設計してとても趣味がある .科マイル個はカリキュラムは中は私は制作のブルーベリーのケーキを習得した ,万年茸士ケーキとチョコレートはさみ心のケーキなど ...ときカリキュラムは終わる後ろに ,私は気が付く自分自身はさらに好んで洋式に関してケーキを包む~からには作製する , から先生の口の中に ive中を知って洋式に関してケーキを包んで作製するのカリキュラム ,それ故に希望籍この機会もっと一歩私が洋式になってケーキ師匠を包みたかった夢を実現する

參考: My Brother
2008-07-17 8:32 pm
First of all, thank you for giving me this opportunity to attend this interview. My name is Chan Shuk-lan, 20 years old. I graduated in 2007 at Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School. Then I took a Yijin Project course about Western Cooking and Bakery (個課程既英文名搵唔到) at School of continuing and professional, City University of Hong Kong. I am interested in cake design and production. Throughout the course, I have learned how to make blueberry cake, cheese cake and chocolate cake, and so on ... After I finished this course, I found that I am more interested in bakery. I was told by my teacher that IVE offers a bakery and confectionery course. Afterall I hope to take this opportunity to achieve one more step to become a chef of Bakery and Confectionery.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:48:28
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