英文唔色 20點!!

2008-07-13 6:46 pm
Daisy was seriously injured in a car accident.Because of a spinal-cord injury.
she(1)____________(suffer) from a seriours co-ordination problem now.

Mornings are the worst time for her.Whem she (2)__________(wake)up in the morning,her muscles are as stiff as cement.She can't even(3)__________(roll)off her back without help.

Everything changed when Bear, her service dog,came into her life.Every day now,Bear(4)________(wait)patienly beside her bed and(5)___________(greet) her with an enthusiasitic'kiss'.Bear(6)__________(help)her sit up on the bed.It(7)________(push)her into position and(8)_________(lift) her up with its head and neck.

'Having Bear around(9)____________(give)me the much-needed confidence and independence,which I didn'thave before ,'Daisy said.

At the moment, Daisy and Bear(10)____________(train) a new service dog for a little disabled boy.They(11)________(work)together closely and happily with the dog.The boy will get his lovely partner on his birthday next month.


回答 (3)

2008-07-13 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. suffered
2. wakes
3. roll
4. waits
5. greets
6. helps
7. pushes
8. lifts
9. has given
10. are training
11. are working

Hope this helps you!
2008-07-13 7:06 pm
1) is suffering
因為句尾有now,所以應該用現在進行式(present continuous tense)指daisy現在正受困於此
2) woke
這句中的wake up是一時的事件,所以應用上過去式(past tense)表示
3) roll
動詞於can/do/must/should後都應用上現在式(present tense)
4) waits
5) greets
6) helps
7) pushes
8) lifts
9) give
10) are training
At the moment指現時,他們正進行訓練,應用現在進行式
11) work

參考: 自己
2008-07-13 7:01 pm
(1) is suffering

@_@ 我有一兩條都唔係好肯定~但係希望幫到你啦~
參考: 自己

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