
2008-07-13 9:45 am
在夢中喜歡的朋友用e-mail通知我他開了一間時裝店,當時我諗這間舖我是行街經過的,而且感覺應該是這間的,當時收到這信件,有點不安,是不是他想我去店舖買東西呢? 還是他同女性友人一起開的

(現實中我跟他沒有聯絡的,請有心人為我解答! 謝

回答 (1)

2008-07-14 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
it is possible that friend around you all getting married especially male friend , you feel you get less chance to start a relationship with them , conclusion you worried about your marriage

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