
2008-07-13 6:14 am



回答 (5)

2008-07-13 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

Your appointment is ____________, please kindly arrive on time.

2) 你想預約既時間己經滿了,或者我幫你再約另一個時間,好嗎?

Your desired time was fully booked, may I could arrange another schedule for you?


Your appointment has been made.

2008-07-13 00:22:05 補充:

2) 你想預約既時間己經滿了,或者我幫你再約另一個時間,好嗎?

Your desired time was fully booked, may I arrange another schedule for you?
2008-07-13 9:25 am
See if the following can help:

1. Your booking for ____ o'clock is confirmed. Please arrive on time.
2. Sorry, booking for ____ o'clock was full. Would you like to make one for another time?
3. Your reservation is confirmed.

2008-07-13 8:19 am
1, your already appointment are the _____________ spot, please
punctually arrives

2, you wanted to make an appointment already the time oneself
after to fill, or I helped you again approximately another time?

1, already helped you to make an appointment
參考: ?
2008-07-13 7:07 am
1.Your appointment is made at _________o'clock.Please arrive on time.

2.The time you want to make an apointment had been fulled,why don't we make the apointment at another time?
參考: 自己
2008-07-13 6:22 am
1)You have already made an appointment in the department ________
Click,ask to arrive punctually

2)You wanted to make an appointment already time has been passed ownly fully, or I help you again for about another one time, OK?

2008-07-16 11:16:03 補充:
Have already helped you to make an appointment well
參考: dr.eye, dr.eye

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