Flight Attendant Applying ..(urgent)

2008-07-13 2:10 am
I wanna know How long dose the reponsitation of flight attendant take?Because i 've been waited for 1 mouth at less,but seems no any respnse yet..
I applied cathay pacific from their web of online Apply.And i don't know am i wrote something wrong or not...So i'm wondering am i need to do some other things?? or apply again?? or keep waiting??
Please any one can help me ??Thank you :)

回答 (2)

2008-07-16 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
國泰最近有 [工潮]. 指國泰有72億盈利下. 仍然沒有OT補水. 都不只一次國泰員工遊行. 國泰員工遊行似國泰的新年巡遊, 連年都有.
真不明白其他航空公司如港龍航空公司, 星航, 阿聯猶都沒有太多工潮. 當然法國航空公司和英國航空公司工潮都很多
除非你好喜歡國泰. 如果唔係就無謂伸請. 其實國泰每年請... 因為服務員流失量極高.
最近坐國泰航空. 很多都是大學畢業初哥. 國泰初哥唔識服務又欠經驗. 服務甩漏.
難怪星加坡航空公司一向優勝國泰. 星加坡航空很多人做FA好耐, 有經驗.
有可能是國泰想一次過集合其他伸請, 才一次過處理. 而且之前星加坡航空 (要有經驗) 及 阿聯猶 (要有經驗) 都喜歡請不同國籍FA. 第一份工入行是難!!!

你的問題很多文法錯誤...!!! 求職大忌

Application of Flight Attendant (urgent)

I wanna to know how long does the reponsitation of employing a flight attendant take?Because i 've been waited (I have been waiting 指以前等了一個月, 還再等. present perfect continues tense)for 1 mouth (1 MONTH, 唔係 1 mouth) at less (at least),but it seems no any respnse(response串錯) yet..
I applied cathay pacific(Cathay Pacific大楷) from (with指用) their web site of(刪除 of ) online Apply.And i don't know am i wrote (你用past tense 還是present tense ) something wrong or not...So i'm wondering am i need(do i need指會不會) to do some other things(do something就ok la )?? or apply again?? or keep waiting??
Please any one(anyone是一個字, 唔會分開寫) can help me ??Thank you :)

2008-07-16 14:11:59 補充:
So i'm wondering am i need(do i need指會不會)

應該 did i need (用 simple past tense)
2008-07-14 2:00 pm
I wanna know, i need to reply u use English or not?If i use wrong grammer, pls forgive me!

Now. I know u are v. worry about why they still not reply u.

U at least have their minimum requirement, right?

Then , i advice u be patient. Sometimes, they will reply u after 1 month.My case is they call me after i finish their online CV after 2 month.

Now, they have a new job post on newspaper. I think their HR will call u if u are suitable.

Hope u success!
參考: Me

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