翻譯成英文, 唔該~~

2008-07-12 11:06 pm
1. 當產品生產時,我們會防止這個問題出現

2. 盒子太緊的問題已告知廠商, 他正在研究解決的方法, 當有消息會立即通知閣下

3.因為今天供應商休息, 所以我會星期一把資料發給你

回答 (2)

2008-07-12 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. We will avoid this problem during the production.

2. Have told the factory about the tighty box problem. He is looking for a solution meanwhile. Will notify you asap of any solution.

3. Because the vendor is off today, I will send you the data on Monday.
2008-07-13 2:48 am
1. The problem can be overcome during production.
2. The inappropriate size of the boxes had been communicated to the manufacturer and shall keep you informed of the progress of the matter.
3. The required information will be sent out to you on Monday as the factory is closed during weekends.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:36:04
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