is she a good girl friend? boys and girls please come in.

2008-07-12 11:37 am
as i said before i got a girlfriend, which is havin fun in aus. ( for more information check my last question: "what can i do?does she really love me?") thx. things was gettin fine, thn another problem head up. fkin hell ya? another boy came up to her ( friend of her) ask her to go out, jst two of them. i mean if ur girl friend tellin u a boy ask her to go out, wont u get pissed ,angry, jealous? wont u tell ur girl friend dont go out wif the guy? well i did.. and wt i got is. "hes jst a frd"
yes hes jst a frd but then hes kinda lik my old enemy whos tryin to steal my girlfriend before. if ur me would u like sit and do nothing? cuz theres a "might" after tht "date" he might stole my girlfriend, i mean who wil no wt they do... right? is not tht i dont trust her but still... plus they never see each other before... its their first meet.. two people? everytime i try to ask her plz dont go out wif tht guy.. she will be like " hes jst a frd", "we wont do anything bad", we never seen before"...
before she have promise me she wont go out wif guy lik one to one and not gonna see tht guy. cuz i no tht guy still wanna steal her from me. and now he can anything on tht date. and i cant do anythin.. i have already told her ask mor frds to go wif her. but im not sure will she listen..
for boys do if ur girlfriend is goin out wif a boy one to one, wt would u think? and to girls, if u have a bf already, will u go out wif boy one to one?
again this question is wt should i do? dump her? find sumone better? but she always say she still love me..

回答 (4)

2008-07-12 12:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
first, have a look at what you posted:
dump her?
find someone better?
but she always say she still love me...

doesnt look like she means that much to you, does it? some"thing" you can just dump like chocolate wrapper?

and! youre already planning on finding someone else? and better? dear oh mine, shouldnt someone you love be the only star in your eyes!?

your post mentioned that she tell you all the time that she loves you but i can find nowhere that you said not even once that you love her, em... sigh!

tho, guess i see where youre coming from, and i do agree that it could seems rather suspisous for 2 members of the opposite sex going out in, well, just the 2 of them!

it isnt so much a question of trust, but rather how you two respect your mutaul agreement, "IF" you two are already coupled up(as in everyone knows youre with each other) and your gf shouldnt be going out with another boy if she knows it makes you feel uncomfortable.

but if you two arent quite in the stage of comitted couplehood, then shes perfectly free to see whosoever she pleases, and no amount of jealousy nor paranoid would be of any use.

when you love someone, you want the best for that person, tho you need to make yourself happy too, so go discuss your boundaries, but remember shes not a robot programmed to suit your every like and dislike.

goodluck on your way!
2009-01-24 9:14 am
我的名字is raymond li
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2008-07-18 7:41 pm
愛情係建基於互相信任與尊重;我認為你嘅反應過敏咗;真係愛一個人就應該愛哂佢嘅全部 !佢又唔係通姦!使乜咁勞氣噃!

2008-07-13 12:44 pm

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