
2008-07-12 9:44 am
例:Subject noun verb adverb ...... 如何擺放????????

回答 (3)

2008-07-14 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實我覺得呢, 最好就唔好死記D noun verb adverb要點擺放, 因為會好死板同埋無咩變化, 英文其實有好多唔同句式可以用, 如果下下都要背個擺法, 咁真係無咩可能.
我認為最好方法就係睇多D好文章, 學下人地點寫句子, 仲要留意tense運用, 學多D生字, 作文後要自已睇多幾次, 試下讀出黎通唔通順, 咁就應該可以改善到啦.

基本句子一定要知點寫, 以下有幾點可以參考一下:
Subject(noun) Verb Object(noun)
e.g. Mary eats the cake.
e.g. The mother beats her son.
*係適當時候要加番D a/an/the/his/her/their/our/my ... 字, 可以另到個句子通順D同令人明白D
e.g. The boy slept.
e.g. The sun rises.
但係呢D句子係太簡單同埋唔夠詳細, 作文如果句句都係咁樣就一定唔會作得生動, 會變得無咩內容

2. Adjective 係形容詞, e.g. beautiful, good, sad, exciting, interesting, clever... 係用黎形容一個人/物
e.g. He is very intelligent.
e.g. The naughty dog barked.

3. Adverb 係大多形容動作/事件, e.g. happily, shinny, carefully... 大多係 ly
e.g. She danced gracefully.
e.g. Hopefully, Mary will join the party.

4. Prepositions 都要識用
in, at, into, inside, out, outside, among, between, on, onto, up, down, to, towards, by, for...
Prepositions 都係好多時候都要用到, 變化好多, 好難話識哂, 不過其實都係要係睇書時候留意下幾時用咩prepositions

5. Gerund, to-infinitives, bare infinitives
- Gerund 係 ing
e.g. He likes playing football.
e.g. He is looking forward to watching the movie.
e.g. Would you like to go swimming with me?
- to-infinitives 係 to verb
e.g. She need to go to the hospital.
e.g. I want to stay at home.
e.g. The government offered to give us financial help.
- bare infinitives 係 就咁一個verb
e.g. She need not practise football.
e.g. She must work hard for her exam..
e.g. No one should smoke here.
所有can, could, will, should, must, shall, would...呢D modal verbs 跟著verb都係用 bare infinitives
* 唔同字跟著後面verb要用唔同方式表達, 可能要 ing, to係verb前面, 或者咩都唔駛加...所以都係要多留意, 有時一D比較特別D情況就要記下.
** suggest(提議) 唔係 to, 好多人都以為係 to, 但其實正確應該係係後面個verb要 ing
e.g. I suggest playing basketball next monday.
如果唔用呢個方式, 就可以寫成:
I suggest that we play basketball next monday.
(to be continued...)

2008-07-13 18:11:44 補充:
6. 連接詞要用得正確
then, after that, and, however, but, because, although, also, moreover...
a) 作文唔好成日用and, 可以改用下also, moreover, furthermore, besides, too... 但要留意個擺位係點, 例如moreover, furthermore, besides係擺係句子最前; too就係放係最後
b) because 可以用其他字代替, e.g. while, as, since

2008-07-13 18:11:57 補充:
c) although 呢個字用法要留意下
although 可解作---雖然;儘管, 不過句式唔同中文, 唔可以加個"但是/不過"上去, 係唔可以加"but".
e.g. Although he was ill, he worked hard.

7. Tenses 要用得適當
幾時要用past tense, present tense, present perfect, past perfect, continuous tenses 一定要知.

2008-07-13 18:12:09 補充:
以上只係一D比較基本野, 其實英文句子有好多種寫法, 要學識之餘仲要精話就真係要花多D時間同心機落去, 要多練習同睇書啦. 仲有, 最重要係唔好死背, 一定要明白文法運用當中道理, 當然有D grammar rules梗係要記得啦. 我相信只要做到以上野,你英文一定有所進步, 如果你唔明點解你老師話你D句子唔通順, 就一定要請教下你老師啦!!
雖然我只係俾左少少意見你, 但都希望我可以幫到你啦!!=]

2008-07-13 18:18:50 補充:
唔好意思, 上面內容有D字前面係應該有個+(加) 字,但係唔知點解無左…= =
- 一開始個度係應該咁: Subject(noun) +(加) Verb +(加) Object(noun)
- 第3個point個到應該係咁: Adverb 係大多形容動作/事件, e.g. happily, shinny, carefully... 大多係 +(加) ly
- 第5個point個度我講多次: Gerund係 +(加)ing, to-infinitives係 to +(加)verb, bare infinitives係咩都唔駛加
仲有一D地方都無左個加號, 希望你睇得明白!!

2008-07-13 18:21:09 補充:
Sorry,, suggest個度我講多次:
** suggest(提議) 唔係 +to, 好多人都以為係 +to, 但其實正確應該係係後面個verb要 +ing
參考: 我意見
2016-08-08 2:55 pm
網上有免費教英文句子結構, 教得幾好, 去睇下: Youtube - Universal Learning & Exploring Centre 小宇宙學習中心. 其中一個教句子方程式個video係 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VOGjmShMDE&list=PLVRgMGF4ekAxDPe7er5lTT9XrM7LHT1Pg&index=27.
2009-06-26 5:17 am

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