
2008-07-12 8:04 am
求救西遊記各回目的英文譯名, 尤其是 孫悟空三進無底洞 and 三打白骨精 2回.

and the eng. name of 孫悟空四師徒, and 回目的英文是?


回答 (1)

2008-07-12 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
三打白骨精 : Monkey King Hit Lady White Bone Thrice

Journey to the West in the Great Tang Dynasty, the eng. name of 孫悟空四師徒:

Xuánzàng: Táng-Sānzàng (唐三藏), "Three Baskets", Tang Monk

Sūn Wùkōng: Qítiān Dàshèng "Great Sage Equal to Heaven", Monkey King or Monkey Emperor

Zhu Bajie: Pigsy, Marshal Tīan Péng: 天蓬元帥, commander of the Heavenly Naval forces

Sha Wujing: Friar Sand or Sandy. 捲簾大將


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