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香港電台: Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
黃色暴雨: 如果指黃色暴雨警告信號的話, it is Amber Rainstorm singal
聖保祿醫院: St Paul hospital
香港教育學院: The Hong Kong Institute of Education
賽馬會: Hong Kong jockey club
閱讀能力: ability to read, 如果指識字率的話, 英文是 literacy.
社會服務令: Community service order
廉政公署: Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
廣播處: Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) 和香港電台是同一個部門吧
中聯辦: Liaison Office of the central people's government in Hong Kong SAR
紅十字會: The Red Cross
自由黨: Liberal Party
民建聯: Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB)
民主黨: Democratic Party
公民黨: Civic Party
官商勾結: Complicities (between the government and the merchants)
救世主: Messiah
二氧化碳: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
光能生質燃料: Biofuel
環保組織: Environmentalists
燃料工廠: Refinery
2008-07-11 22:28:28 補充:
CORRECTION: 聖保祿醫院: St Paul's Hospital