
2008-07-12 2:55 am
1. 月入多少要交稅?
2. 有什麼情況可以免稅?
3. 進修可以退稅,退多少?
4. 政府會自動來信要交多少的嗎?每年什麼時候交稅的?

回答 (2)

2008-07-12 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 是否交稅要視乎你的人工及你的免稅額,若你年薪只有$108000,若沒有其他免稅額,便不用交稅

2. 免稅與否要視乎你的入息及免稅額

3. 進修可以退稅,最多60000

4. 政府會按照僱主的申報,發出報稅表給你,報稅後稅局會進行評稅,你應要約1月及4月繳交稅款.
2008-07-12 6:00 pm
Salary tax is base on your yearly income. I will use Year of assessment 2008/2009 for example.

If your total salary income is $108,000 (including monthly salary, bones, double pay) during the year or lower you won't have to pay tax.

2. I guest what you mean "免稅" is to reduct the tax, is it?
It's depend on you case for example: Are you married, have child, single parent, disable, self-education, homw loan interest, Extra contribution to MPF, Charitable donations,

3. The max amount of self-education deduction is $40,000

4. IRD will not send any letter to you if they think you may not have to pay tax, however, if you think you are subjuct to pay tax for the year you must file tax reture by yourself to let IRD know.

5. From the day IRD send you a tax return, and assessment. You will need to pay tax around Janarany
參考: My exp.

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