為什麼it 可以跟dont?

2008-07-12 2:50 am
從很多流行曲中 都會看到
it dont , she dont, he dont
it she he不是應該跟doesnt 嗎?
這樣的grammar 對ma?

回答 (3)

2008-07-12 10:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
在English history, diversity and change 一書中,有這樣的描述:
There are several differences in the form verbs may take in different varieties of English. P.227
在 East Anglia 的人所講的英語, 便是這樣, I love, you love, he love, she love they love, 所有動詞都不用加 s; 所以便 it dont, she don't

而在South-west Engand, 卻剛好相反,全部都加s ,變作
I loves, you loves , he loves, he loves,
香港所學英文是Standard English, I ,you, we ,they 用 don't  ; he , she , it 用 doesn't
我們不是學 East Anglia的英文,所以你寫 he don't ,she don't ,老師便會話你錯。
2008-07-12 3:48 am
Carpenter 樂隊的主音,Karen 女士,當日在她的某名曲中,曾大唱
"And he don't care." 我有友人,就提出同一疑問了。
2008-07-12 2:53 am
it dont ????? Which song?

It's impossible!!

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