Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth既epsiode11-13misson同小問題!謝

2008-07-12 12:07 am
想問Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth既epsiode11-13misson,唔明d日文文.......仲有,有冇得拿vs d 場景/背景架??教教我^^



回答 (1)

2008-07-16 5:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Episode 11:
77.Hit it with Just attack.
78.Hit it with charge attack.
79.Hit it with charge attack more then 5 times.
80.Change in Corona mode.
81.Hit it with combo attack more then 5 times.
82.Don't get hit by any specials.
83.Don't block not even once and beat the monster.
Episode 12:
85.Dodge ChaosRoid U's Special.
86.Dodge ChaosRoid S's Special.
87.Dodge ChaosRoid T's Special.
88.Get hit by the UltraKey.
89.Get hit by the UltraBell.
90.Against ChaosRoid T do Level 3 special and win the battle with the Level 3.
91.Do Level 3 special on Mefisto(4th battle)
Episode 13:
93.With Ultraman Gaia hit it with Nebula combo.
94.With Ultraman Aguru hit it with Nebula combo.
95.Ultraman Aguru wins the battle.
96.Ultraman Gaia wins the battle.
97.Ultraman Tiga wins the battle.
98.Get hit by NeoChaosDarkness's Special.
99.Get hit by NeoChaosDarkness II's Special.

2008-07-16 09:33:27 補充:
因為字數所限, 其他event已經另外send咗俾你

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