
2008-07-11 8:35 pm

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2008-07-16 12:57 am
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以冷氣系統為例,現在市面上流行的大約有三種,分別為中央(Fancoil Unit)、分體式和窗口式。除窗口式較易處理外,其他兩種都要預留風喉和管道位置。但窗口式冷氣因散熱器、壓縮器和出風摩打放在同一小箱內,所以嘈音會較大。至於中央冷氣系統,機器存放在室內、外特定位置,再利用預設的風喉將冷暖氣輸出到各個空間,優點是溫度平均、寧靜,而且因為預先將管道收藏,因而不會影響到室內設計的風格,這系統一般大受設計師推介。但由於耗電量高,相對電費亦較為昂貴,對用家來說便是負擔。至於分體式冷氣,可說是中央冷氣和窗口式的混合體。運行寧靜,但價錢比中央冷氣相宜,往往是客人主要考慮採用的一種。由於部份發動的機件安置在室外,開動時會較為寧靜。亦能按實際情安裝在最佳位置。溫度平均之餘,獨立開關,做到節約能源的效益。

A fan coil unit (FCU) is a simple device consisting of a heating or cooling coil and fan. It is part of an HVAC system found in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Since it does not have any ductwork, a fan coil unit is used to control the temperature only in the space where it is installed. It is controlled either by a manual on/off switch or by thermostat. Due to their simplicity, fan coil units are more economic to install than ducted or central heating systems. However, they can be noisy because its fan is within the same space. The coil receives hot or cold water from a central plant, and removes or adds heat from the air through heat transfer. Fan coil units can contain their own internal thermostat, or can be wired to operate with a remote thermostat. Fan coil units circulate hot or cold water through a coil in order to condition a space. The unit gets its hot or cold water from a central plant, or mechanical room containing equipment for removing heat from the central building's closed-loop. The equipment used can consist of machines used to remove heat such as a chiller or a cooling tower and equipment for adding heat to the building's water such as a boiler or a commercial water heater.Fan coil units are divided into two types: Two (2) pipe fan coil units or Four (4) pipe fan coil units. Two pipe fan coil units have one (1) supply and one (1) return pipe. The supply pipe supplies either cold or hot water to the unit depending on the time of year. Four (4) pipe fan coil units have two (2) supply pipes and two (2) return pipes. This allows either hot or cold water to enter the unit at any given time.

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