
2008-07-11 6:29 pm

回答 (5)

2008-07-11 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For the door to door maintenance service, it will be at the charge of $xxx, not including the cost of any parts to be replaced.

2008-07-11 17:34:11 補充:
door to door should be "door-to-door"
2008-07-15 6:45 pm
Door to door maintenance /reparation services for HK$XX. Spare parts not included.
參考: myself
2008-07-11 11:16 pm
On door service charge: HK$ 250.00
Spare parts will be charged in additional if needed.
參考: self
2008-07-11 6:36 pm
Not including parts
參考: 自己
2008-07-11 6:33 pm
零件另計應該可以讲成是Necessary spare parts to be replaced is not including and separatly quoted.

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