
2008-07-11 10:45 am

咁has係單數 have係眾數???


仲有問題 children係眾數 咁係咪唔係加S或ES幾字係眾數呢? does係眾數咁does既意思係咩?? children係眾數表示好多個孩子 咁does是不好多個咩??


打錯字: 咁係唔係加S或ES幾字係眾數呢?


咁呢句咪變左否定句眾數?? 肯定句he has a bath every day. 否定句 he does not have a bath every day. ?? 唔明好亂

回答 (3)

2008-07-11 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
例a: I/you/we/they have an apple (have跟我I,而唔係apple)
例b:he/she/it has an apple

例:no children`one child` 2children` 3 childen
does = has(單數) , do = have(眾數)


你應該咁諗I/you/we/they係高等嘅(因為有我/人多),所以用眾數:have, do,he/she/it係低等(因為人少,唔在場,唔係人:it),所以用單數:has, does

例:we do not have children(眾數否定句)=we have no children(眾數肯定句)
參考: 我
2008-07-11 10:58 am
- has係單數, 例子 :
John has a car. (John is a單數)
- have係眾數, 例子 :
Mary and John have a car. (Mary and John are 眾數)
Please raise your question here if you still are not clear about this question.
參考: Myself
2008-07-11 3:29 pm
In general, we use has with a third person singular pronoun or noun, such as he, she, it, Peter, Mary and a table etc; and use have with all the other types of nouns or pronouns, i.e. I/you/they/we/dogs etc. However, you cannot over-generalise this rule. If has doesn't immediate follow a noun/pronoun, we use have instead of has even though the subject of the sentence is a third person singular pronoun or noun. I give you some examples

He has a pen.
He will have a pen.
He may have a pen.
She would like to have a pen.
He doesn't have a pen.
He can have a pen.

This explains the examples you quoted: he has a bath every day; he does not have a bath every day.

Again, adding s and es to a noun to make it become plural is also a general rule. There are exceptions and children is one example. Therefore, not all plural nouns end with s/es

Does is a verb, not a noun. We add s or es to a verb when the subject of the sentence is a third person singular noun or pronoun. The root form of does is do. So, when the subject of the sentence is a third person singular, e.g. he/she/it/Peter/Mary/ a table, we use does instead of do. The followings are some examples:

They do not like going out. (They is a plural pronoun)
He does not like going out. (He is a singular pronoun)
參考: My own knowledge

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