Correct the errors (10 marks)

2008-07-11 10:12 am
There is/are ONE or above error(s) for sentence 1 and 2 below. Please find out those error(s) and re-write the correct sentences on the lines provided. (10 marks)

Sentence 1: There are many kinds of transport, for examples: bus, minibus, MTR, KCR, tram, taxi and ferry.


Sentence 2: After the game we'll back home.


10 marks


回答 (4)

2008-07-11 12:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1There are many kinds of transport, for examples: bus, minibus, MTR, KCR, tram, taxi and ferry.
There are many transporting tools, for examples: bus, minibus, MTR, KCR, tram, taxi and ferry.

"Transport" is an uncountable noun. Only countable nouns can follow the word "kind(s)". "Transportation" is also an uncountable noun.

2: After the game we'll back home.
After the game we'll get/go back home. /
After the game we'll return home.

"back" cannot mean return (home) when used as a verb

參考: 我,英漢字典
2008-07-12 4:49 am
1. There are different kinds of public transport(英語)/transportation(美語) , for example, buses, minibuses, trains, trams, taxis and ferries. (MTR and KCR are service providers.)
There are different kinds of public transport/transportation - buses, minibuses, trains, trams, taxis and ferries.
2. After the game we'll be back home.
After the game we'll return/go home.

2008-07-12 11:55:56 補充:
樓主: 請注意標點符號 :
" for example : " 使用了 " : " 是不正確的, 而須改為 " for example ," 才正確(即是應使用 "," ).
2008-07-11 11:05 am
Sentence 1: There are many kinds of transport, for examples: bus, minibus, MTR, KCR, tram, taxi and ferry.

There are many kinds of transportation, for example : bus, minibus, MTR, KCR, tram, taxi and ferry..
Sentence 2: After the game we'll back home.

After the game we will go back home.
參考: Myself
2008-07-11 10:15 am
sentence one : There are many kinds of transpertations, for exmaple; buses, mini buses, MTS'S, KCR'S, trams, taxis and the ferry.

sentence two : After the game we will all come back home

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