英文email ,給客人&供應商

2008-07-11 9:28 am

1. 給客人 : 因為供應商的拉鏈出現問題, 以致成衣不能如期走貨. 需要向客人解釋不能如期走貨原因及要求延 期.

2. 給供應商 : 要求拉鏈供應商解釋問題所在, 及更換拉鏈. 以及需要承擔客人追究的責任

以上兩點, 請問該如何用適當的英文撰寫email 給客人和供應商呢

各位,以下是完整的內容. 請幫忙翻譯英文, 如文中內容有不足, 請幫忙補充 第(1)要詞言誠懇, 第(2)也要有禮貌 (1) 不好意思, 我們發現拉鏈出現問題, 我們已通知拉鏈供應商安排更換, 但重做拉鏈的最快的時間需要1星期. 故此這批成衣不能趕及7/15貨期走貨. 最快的貨期要延至7/22. 請容許我們延期! 我們會盡最大的努力去趕貨, 謝


(2) 由於貴司的拉鏈出現問題, 而重做拉鏈最快也要1星期 , 以致客人貨品不能按期走貨. 請貴司盡縮短重做拉鏈的時間及即查明拉鏈出現問題的原因. 此外, 貴司除了承擔重做拉鏈的費用, 亦需要承擔因貨品延期而造成的任何損失. 謝謝


HI baggio4182007 , Could you help this ? Thanks

回答 (2)

2008-07-12 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Email to the customer :
Re : Delay of shipping schedule
We are sorry to advise you that due to the production problem of the zipper supplier, we have rejected their zippers and asked for an immediate replacement. However the quickest lead time for reproducing the zippers is one week, hence we will not be able to arrange the finished garment t be shipped on July 15 per original schedule. The quickest shipdate we can catch is July 22.
We sincerely apologize for the delay problem while at the same time we have no other way but to reject the zippers with inferior quality to make sure the finished garment shipped to you are up to your quality requirement.
Please be ensured that we will do our best to rush the shipment for July 22. Kindly confirm your approval for our shipping arrangement.
Thanks and Best Regards
2. Email to the supplier :
Re : Quality problem of the zippers
We acknowledge the quality problem on your production of the zippers, and we also understand that to re-make the zippers you need a 7 days lead time.
Please note this will delay our final shipment to the customer and we are still waiting for the customer to approve on our delayed shipdate. Please note the following points that we have to work on :
1. We need your report on what was the quality problem of the zippers so that we can explain to the customer.
2. Moreover we need to have your confirmation on when the new zippers will be delivered to us. Our understanding is that you will rush the production and send the replacement to us less than one week.
3. At the meantime we need your confirmation on the production cost for re-producing the zippers and also on any loss arising from the delay shipment, including but not limited to the claim from the customer.
We hope this problem will be solved ASAP so our customer can still have the goods in place for their marketing program.
Best Regards
參考: Myself
2008-07-11 4:54 pm
(1) 不好意思, 我們發現拉鏈出現問題, 我們已通知拉鏈供應商安排更換, 但重做拉鏈的最快的時間需要1星期. 故此這批成衣不能趕及7/15貨期走貨. 最快的貨期要延至7/22. 請容許我們延期! 我們會盡最大的努力去趕貨, 謝

We are very sorry, we just find out that the zipper having some problem, we have already notified the zipper supplier an arrangement to change, but we need a week and that is the quickest time for us to redo all the zipper. Therefore, the order will not be able to ship out on July 15th. The quickest delivery date will postpone to July22nd. Please allow us to postpone! We will use our biggest effort to catch up with the order. Thank you!

(2) 由於貴司的拉鏈出現問題, 而重做拉鏈最快也要1星期 , 以致客人貨品不能按期走貨. 請貴司盡縮短重做拉鏈的時間及即查明拉鏈出現問題的原因. 此外, 貴司除了承擔重做拉鏈的費用, 亦需要承擔因貨品延期而造成的任何損失. 謝謝

Because your company zipper having problem, therefore we need to redo all the zipper again and the quickest time we need about a week, and it causes our customer unable to get their shippment on time. Please shorten the time of doing over the zipper and find out the reason why are the zipper having problem. In addition, your company also need to responsible for the expense to redo all the zipper and any loss because of the postpone. Thank you!
參考: me

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