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It's probably extremely hard to know exact which Slavic language this is without prior knowledge to all of those languages. All I can tell you is that it definiately NOT Polish. Most likely to be Czech or Slovak - they are very very similar since the Czech Republic and Slovakia used to be one country. It is not Hungarian or Romanian.
There isn't a good online translator/dictionary for Czech or Slovak to English that I know of, or can see currently.
Hope that helps a little.
2008-07-12 18:03:19 補充:
Umm..unless you take the text to a Czech or Slovakian to translate for you, otherwise it'd be almost impossible to translate on our own.
Where did you copy the text btw? Maybe there's another language on the web site (eg. German or Danish??) that I can read and try translating??
2008-07-13 22:07:00 補充:
Interestingly, I knew you copied from there already! As I searched for the first sentence of your text on Yahoo! =) And yes, it would be in Slovak, since the website ends with '.sk'
2008-07-13 22:16:50 補充:
Unfortunately, they didn't translate the site into German or other languages. So I can't help with the exact translation.
2008-07-13 22:17:53 補充:
However, I can tell you that the site is about a type of fish called 'cichlid', found mainly in African lakes. There are also many sub-types of cichlid and it looks like the site is showing the different fossils of different sub-types.
2008-07-13 22:21:38 補充:
Ahh...it's a museum for cichlid in Slovakia! How interesting indeed!