
2008-07-11 2:03 am
如果個部機唔系香港機系外國機咁點樣先可以新增速成丫(要microsoft個隻) (唔要自由/一碼/快意)

回答 (2)

2008-07-11 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
你windows要加左East Asian lanugage pack先會有[中文(台灣)]的


選了East Asian lanugage pack 之後

輸入法應該可以揀[中文(台灣)]中的 速成了
Chinese (Traditional) -New Quick
Chinese (Traditional) -Quick
Setup the input methods

1. On the same page, click "Detail"
2. "Text Services and Input Languages" dialog box pops up, then click "Add"
3. Select Chinese (Taiwan) at the new dialog box
4. Select the desire IME. (I use Quick and New/ChangJie)


C. Usage

1. Now, the task bar appears an icon "EN", click on it.
2. Select "Chinese (Taiwan)"
3. The default IME will be activated. You can change the input method by clicking
on the corresponding icon.
4. The keyboard layout is now changed to the respective layout. You can starting
typing chinese or change back to english by clicking the "CH" icon and select
"EN" again.


2008-07-10 22:48:32 補充:
控制台到整 (指新增 速成輸入法)
, 唔會將部機變左中文版,
要新增語系 "language pack " (可能需要額的外版權)
參考: http://www.cs.mtu.edu/~tiyu/ch_ime/ch_ime_setup_xp.htm, 我以前win XP 同現在的英文 win vista都係英文版, 再加載language pack 的, 唔同user 都唔同language, 一個OS繁簡英
2008-07-11 2:10 am

Just go to Control Panel, then go to Regional and Language Options

Go to language tab, and go to details, then add the input format you like.

速成 should be able to find under 中文(台灣)

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