宿霧邊間酒店好, 要帶幾多錢去, 坐咩車...?

2008-07-11 1:45 am
9月份會和朋友去宿霧, 兩個女仔自由行,
暫時還未book酒店, 想住Waterfront Cebu City Hotel,
我地會搭零晨機 (Cebu Pacific), 去到機場點算好~?
因為聽朋友講唔好搭當地d的士, 話會危險, 而且我地得兩個女仔....

1) Waterfront Cebu City Hotel, 好住嗎? 交通方便嗎?
2) 係唔係真係唔好坐當地的士? 需唔需要係機場坐天光才坐車去酒店?
3) 因為我同我朋友都未去過, 應該要換幾多PHP去好呢~?
4) 係當地換PHP方唔方便和安唔安全呢~?
5) 除左保和島, 仲有咩好介紹?
6) 應該join機場個d Local Tour, 還是係酒店揀呢~?


回答 (3)

2008-07-11 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Waterfront Cebu City Hotel位於巿中心商業區,間酒店係幾靚o既,有賭場有餐廳酒吧等,但係距離海邊就比較遠。
2) 去到你都無得選擇,一定係坐的士或者叫車,因為公車你唔會識得搭 (要叫落車),搭的士堅持跳錶,因為大部份的士司機都會講價及叫你加附加費。千祈唔好係機場坐天光,半夜3 點幾到左就直接搭車去酒店啦,要講清楚去Waterfront Cebu City,因為機場隔離有間Waterfront Mactan Airport,去到試下問有無early checkin,無就寄好行李先,然後去賭場玩或者在酒店大堂坐。
3) 換幾多錢視乎你去到會做 d 乜喎,一般2-3000蚊港紙一個實夠晒駛啦,但其實唔駛驚,去到一樣有得兌錢,你住Cebu City可到SM Mall 行街時在百貨公司內兌錢。
4) 當地兌錢方便和安全,你都係去返SM Mall 百貨公司內兌啦,帶passport呀~
5) 其實去宿霧唔一定要去保和島,如果你一天來回船程就要 4 個鐘,去到再要轉車,都幾辛苦下架,如果想留係Cebu-Mactan,最好就係出海玩浮潛/ 潛水,好靚好多魚,同埋上資生堂島食海鮮, d 賴尿蝦好似手臂咁大隻~
6) 出海o既local tour 可以join一間香港人係當地開o既潛水店,幾百蚊一日出海包上島食lunch,可以係香港book定晒~ 你可以send email 去問下~ [email protected]
參考: 已去過N次~
2008-07-11 8:52 am
2個女仔不如跟團啦, 咁會好安全.
而且宿霧既旅行團, 通常都係得一日 city tour, 其餘都係自由活動, 同自由行冇咩分別.
2008-07-11 2:59 am
Taxi is ok if they use the meter. Most of the driver is not honest always tell them use the meter. There is a Waterfront just beside the airport,you can stay there 1st day. I changed peso in HK,Worldwide center, Central.The rate is better than Cebu airport.Bohol is nice ,but it takes 2hrs by ferry.Local tour for island at Cebu is nice for snokelling. Lots of fish in differrent kinds you can see.Better than Thai & Malaysia. Lunch on island is delicous, price include. Seafood in Cebu is wonderful. I can give the contact of the agent I use to you.

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