中譯英... 唔係好長~~

2008-07-11 12:29 am
唔開心既.. 係唔想你因為呢個原因而返黎,

點都好啦.. 希望你婆婆身體健康,
而我, 就會永遠係你身邊支持你, 我愛你.



就係以上果D, 可以用閒話家常(即閒談)既語氣去譯..
唔使要文皺皺~ THX哂呀!! 括號入面果句都要譯~~THX!!!!

回答 (4)

2008-07-11 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
See if the following can help:

I don't know whether I should be happy or not for your return. It is a miracle to meet you again but really don't want you to return for such reason. I am confused. Anyway, hope your grandma will recover as soon as possible and wish your family would not be pressed so much. And I, will always stand at your side and support you forever. I love you.
{There is a special reason for me to write in English for this time.}

2008-07-11 2:00 am
唔開心既.. 係唔想你因為呢個原因而返黎,

點都好啦.. 希望你婆婆身體健康,
而我, 就會永遠係你身邊支持你, 我愛你.

I wonder whether I should happy or not for your appearance. I feel happy as it is a miracle for having a chance to take a glance of you whereas it is an unhappy thing that your return is just for the said reason. I am much confused.......
Anyhow, I wish your grandmother healthy, and no much pressure will be imposed on your family members. For me, I will forever stand by you, love you always.
(I use English to type the letter is for a special reason on this issue)

2008-07-11 10:28:51 補充:
typing error
no much (wrong),
it should be "not much"
2008-07-11 1:55 am
唔開心既.. 係唔想你因為呢個原因而返黎,

Now time you since return my of to know should happy certainly the Wu is happy like,
Happy since is unexpectedly have the miracle can see your one more side,
The is happy since.. Is a to miss you because reason and return ,
Good multitude of feelings surges up in the house..

點都好啦.. 希望你婆婆身體健康,
而我, 就會永遠係你身邊支持你, 我愛你.

Point all good..Hope that your mother-in-law is healthy,
Also hope that your family have too many pressures so much,
And I, meeting forever is that you nearby support you, I love you.
{Now the time is to have particularly since the reason will use English typing first...}

2008-07-11 1:26 am
唔開心既.. 係唔想你因為呢個原因而返黎,
This time, you came back. I don’t know if I should be happy about it or not. On the one hand, it is a wonderful miracle for me to see you one more time. But on the other hand, I don’t want you to leave for this reason. I really have mixed feelings about this!!!

點都好啦.. 希望你婆婆身體健康,
而我, 就會永遠係你身邊支持你, 我愛你.
After all, I wish your grand mum all the good health, and I wish your family would not have too much pressure. And for me, I will be on your side, backing you up. I love you!!!

This time, for some special reasons, I put it into English.

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