I believe you have not mention clearly or test drive with your mechanic
you waste too much time and money.
this is the case due to the lock up in your AT torque convertor自動波箱
(normal operation when your step the pedal constant , speed around 80 km/h
in your workshop or owner manual )
(定油)80 km/h , it run 4 speed plus lock up mode engaged
(唔定油) below 80km/h, it run 4 speed, lock up not engage
(定油)keep住行2千轉大既80km/h時侯,AT ECU 行AT lock up mode
加油時, 轉數好像唔上升.唔跟腳踏同步
唔長定油, 踩下鬆下就會無事,因 ECU唔行AT lock up mode
lock 唔 lock up depend on the 油門位置.
要比大油keep返上3千轉, beacuse 油門位置change 口左and then AT ECU唔行AT lock up mode,就會無事,it run back to 4th gear speed
you can try this
部車會 係咁chok, 行多幾公理就連2千轉都上唔到, 要比大油keep返上3千轉時,點一下brake pedal, step 油門就會無事, same way as your 踩下鬆下.
NO need to change any parts
Just the lock up, thsi lock up for fuel saving
up Hill 同埋上斜路1500轉都上唔到, lock up engaged and not release
so check throttle voltage and worstly to change the lock up solenoid in the AT inside, if you change the bigger size of tyre may also cause this symptom
Just talk to your mechanic the lock up in torque convertor
lock up like this in web as
you may enlarge and see the clutch plate called lock up clutch
left 2-4
2008-07-12 01:38:32 補充:
lock up 是慳油design, so 用少少油行車, plus 4 speed gear box ratio, use rpm in low range, engine torque may decrease when using bigger tire, felt shock when light throttle, press the brake one time, or full throttle, release pedal will unlock the AT lock up mode.
2008-07-12 01:45:44 補充:
catalogue already mentioned your AT is electronic with lock up element for all Toyota
車無問題, 窒油問題是形容有些車身震
2008-07-12 19:56:59 補充:
80km/h lock up 時, 輕微油門踏下, rpm轉數錶針 look like not respond with pedal,
行車輕微上斜路,引擎torque 不足, 車車身震or choke.
how to solve
1. release pedal
2. step brake once
3. full throttle, that is nore than half throttle 超過一半油門
4 manual down shift to D3 gear, 拉 from D to 3 ,減一個波拉
2008-07-12 20:06:14 補充:
是波箱控制LOCK UP , 但跟油門反應, 上斜路,引擎torque 不足時車車身震or choke.
車胎更改affect the lock up 介入時間, Actual speed not same as the car speed on
2008-07-12 20:09:18 補充:
無理由整左6 month, 你一講就知是lock up
2008-07-12 20:09:56 補充:
I believe you have not mention clearly or test drive with your mechanic
you waste too much time and money.