在美國出生,怎樣可以取回social security card?

2008-07-10 8:48 pm
我女兒在美國出生,今年15 歲,出生後一直在港生活和讀書, 未回過美國, 但將會在7 月尾到美國升學,她怎樣可以在美國取回social security card? 請幫忙詳細解答, 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2008-07-11 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, it is no problem, just bring your daughter US birth cert., passport and your daughter to the social security center to apply for her social security card, it would be ok. normally they will issue within 6 months, or maybe shorter than 6 months. hope this information can help.
參考: living in US
2008-07-11 5:02 pm
等距翻到來美國,你帶距出生證明和美國Passport,到你傢裏附件social security adiminstration 辦理~~

2008-07-10 9:59 pm
妳必須帶備女兒的美國出世紙及護照,到 Social Security Office 填寫 Application Form for A Social Security Card (SS – 5) 或在綱上申請也可以。

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