
2008-07-10 7:13 pm
請問我曾經代表學校參加the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition的英文點講?

回答 (6)

2008-07-10 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I once participated on behalf of the school for the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition.

I hope this can help you!
參考: myself
2008-07-10 10:28 pm
I have represented our school in the JRFH Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition.
2008-07-10 10:27 pm
I once participated in the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition on behalf of the school
2008-07-10 8:02 pm
請問我曾經代表學校參加 the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition的英文點講?
I was a school team member to participate in the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition.
(a school team member- 已是代表學校)

2008-07-10 16:30:04 補充:
a school team member - 校隊成員
2008-07-10 7:59 pm
我曾經代表學校參加the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition
I once represented my school to compete the JRFH inter-school rope skipping competition.
參考: self
2008-07-10 7:28 pm
I have had the experience of representing the school to join the JRFH
inter-school rope skipping competition
參考: me

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