The sentences below describe different types of TV programmes. Read the sentences and the mixed - up hints in brackets. Write the names of the programmes in the spaces provided.
1.Funny drawings which are made into moving pictures. (tonoracs) ______________
2.A play with many episodes written for TV. (mdraa resesi) ______________
3.Moving pictures with recorded sound that tell a story. (viosme) ______________
4.Professional players can be seen on these programmes. (soprts meporgrsam) ______________
5.People play games or answer questions to win prizes on these programmes.(mega wsohs) _____________
6.Programmes where the presenter talks with famous people in front of an audience.(thac wshos ) _____________
7.Programmes which give information from around the world every day.(wens rertsop. _____________
8.Programmes which give information about the weather. (twahere rstopre) ____________