adverb 安放既問題

2008-07-10 5:48 pm

1.i placed outside the big wooden bench.
答案係: i placed the big wooden bench outside.
2.he ran forward to catch swiftly the baby as she fell from the chair.
答案係: he ran forward swiftly to catch the baby as she fell from the chair.
3.out raft downstream floated to the recreational site.
答案係: out raft floated downstream to the recreational site.

/\Lynn limped/\ to a park bench to rest her feet.
He is/\ on a holiday/\ now.


回答 (3)

2008-07-19 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

The basic rule is to place the adverb as close to the word(s) it modifies as possible. But this is not a "must". (唔係必須的)
1.“Outside” tells people where I put the “big wooden bench”
2.“Swiftly” tells people how he “ran forward”
3.“Downstream” tells people the direction towards which direction our raft “floated”

Lynn limped painfully to a park bench to rest her feet.
“Painfully” tells people how Lynn “limped”

He is on a holiday oversea now.
“Oversea” tells people where he has the “holiday”.
2008-07-10 6:28 pm
Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

The basic rule is to place the adverb as close to the word(s) it modifies as possible. But this is not a "must". (唔係必須的)
1.“Outside” tells people where I put the “big wooden bench”
2.“Swiftly” tells people how he “ran forward”
3.“Downstream” tells people the direction towards which direction our raft “floated”

Lynn limped painfully to a park bench to rest her feet.
“Painfully” tells people how Lynn “limped”

He is on a holiday oversea now.
“Oversea” tells people where he has the “holiday”.
2008-07-10 6:19 pm
1.i placed outside the big wooden bench.
答案係: i placed the big wooden bench outside.

2008-07-10 12:25:22 補充:
但係....................adverb唔係只可以形容動詞嫁咩??點解He is/\ on a holiday/\ now<---這句

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