改善英文行動 34. 希望大家盡力幫忙

2008-07-10 6:05 am

Is money the most important thing to think about when choosing a job?

No, I don't think so. I think the interest is the most important.

If you choose a job which is about your interest, you will work happily in your company. Also, you will fall in love to your job; indeed, you may get addictive to it. In addition, you are completing your dreams, don't you think that is wonderful?

On the contrary, if you choose a job which can earn a lot of money, but the job is hard and needs you working over 12 hours. You not only cannot have a break at your office, but also don't have enough time for having lunch and dinner. Although you can earn much money, you get sick and working unhappily. Do you think that is valuable? Can you use those money to buy the happiness?

Hence, I think interest is the most important.

回答 (4)

2008-07-10 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is money the most important thing to think about when choosing a job?

No, I don't think so. I think (no “the” because interest is a generic noun, not specific) interest is the most important when choosing a job. (We repeat the question here so that your idea is clear and firm which helps people to understand your following arguments.)

If you choose a job which is what you are interested in, you will work happily in your career (not company because our interest may not be working for a company). Also, you will fall in love to your job; indeed, you may get addictive to it. In addition, you are completing your dream(no s), don't you think that is wonderful? – good sentence structure!

On the contrary, if you choose a job which can earn a lot of money, but the job is hard and needs you work over 12 hours a day – (this sentence is not complete : you name out the job and its disadvantage, but you did not tell us how this is bad for us. To change it with good heads and tails –i.e. reasoning, we have to delete the 2nd comma and put the comma after 12 hours a day), you not only can’t (grammatically “cannot” is correct, but “you not only cannot” is not a good use of words, so please change cannot to can’t)have a break at your office, but also don't have enough time for having lunch and dinner. Although you can earn much money, you get sick and work unhappily. Do you think that is valuable? Can you use those money to buy the happiness?

Hence, I think interest is the most important factor to consider when choosing a job.
參考: Myself
2008-09-09 5:44 am
ok the website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.
2008-07-10 8:54 pm
Is money the most important factor to consider about when choosing a job?
No, I don't think so. I think interest is the most important thing.

If a job is choosen and which suits your interest, you will work happily. Also, you will fall in love to your job; indeed, you may get addictive to it. In addition, you are completing your dreams, don't you think that is wonderful?

On the contrary, if you choose a job which can earn a lot of money, but the job is hard and needs you to work over 12 hours. Other than you cannot have a break at your office, but also don't have enough time for having lunch and dinner. Although you can earn more money, you possibly will get sick and working unhappily. Do you think that is worthwhile? Can you use those money to buy the happiness?

Hence, I think interest is more important.
You wrote in good grammar but not the suitable wordings. Hope these help.
參考: self
2008-07-10 3:59 pm
Is money the most important thing to think about when choosing a job?

No, I don't think so. I think [delete the] interest is the most important factor to consider.

If you choose a job according to your interests [you certainly have more than one interest], you will enjoy your job more. Also, you will fall in love with your job. [fall in love with something, not fall in love to something] [Start a new sentence] Indeed, you may even become addicted to it [something is addictive, but you are addicted to something]. In addition, you will be fulfilling your dreams [This is a scenario, so use will be instead of are. We fulfill a dream, not complete a dream]. [Start a new sentence] Don't you think that is wonderful?

On the contrary, if you choose a job which you can earn a lot of money, but it is hard and needs you to work [delete ing] more than 12 hours a day. Then, not only will you not have a break at your office, but you may also not have enough time to have lunch and dinner. [The correct sentence structure is ‘Not only……..but also…….]. Thus, although you can earn a lot of money, you may get sick and won't be working happily. Don't you think enjoying one's job is more valuable? [If you are expecting a positive answer, use a negative question word and vice versa, i.e. use don't instead of do in this particular case] Besides, one cannot use [those is for plural nouns, money is uncountable] money to buy [no article] happiness.

Hence, I think interest is the most important factor to consider when choosing a job.
參考: My knowledge in English

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