I get dizziness frequently, HELP?

2008-07-08 9:31 am
its not the felling of spinning. consulted NEURO. ENT but nothing significant came out.

MRI brain scan - normal
blood & urine test - normal
heart scan - normal
eye & ears test - normal

回答 (3)

2008-07-08 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Explain more on the Eye Test.
I had constant dizziness, not spinning-like but yah.
And my neuro put a pair of goggles on me that had cameras in them.
Turned off the light. And told me to keep my eyes open.
He watched my eyes on the computer and noticed that my right eye just barely shakes a lot. When your eye shakes just a little bit it can lead to dizziness a lot, believe it or not.

What I have is vestibular imbalance.
2008-07-08 10:39 am
Have you been under a lot of stress lately??

A deficiency in vitamin B12 will produce symptoms such as dizzy spells, fainting and loss of balance, numbing and tingling and prickling sensations in the outer extremities ie ~ hands and feet, arms and legs, excessive sweating, fatigue and exhaustion, chest pains and heart palpitations, excessive urination and dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, headaches and migraines, depression, insomnia and constipation, irritability and moodiness and an inability to think clearly ....Quite scary actually if you don't realise the vitamin factor.

If you've been under a lot of stress lately this will cause the loss of your precious B complex of vitamins.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin B12 ie: organ meats such as lambs fry and kidneys, fish and eggs.

Without sufficient vitamin B12 in your body any iron you ingest will never be assimilated properly, so increase your intake of iron also as well if you aren't already eating enough iron rich foods................. if you are having dizzy spells, excessive feelings of being cold, nasty headaches and fatigue and exhaustion, paleness of skin......then these are symptoms of iron deficiency which can be brought about through lack of sufficient B12, B6, calcium & vitamin D in your system.

The RDI/RDA, according to the National Research Council, is 10 - 15mg per day for adults ...... ♥

foods rich in iron are ~ red meat, organic dried peaches, egg yolks, oysters, organic nuts, beans, asparagus, blackstrap molasses and oatmeal.

Vitamin C rich foods eaten in conjunction with iron rich foods will increase the absorption rate of the iron.

ie ~ citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges (or juices), leafy and green vegies, tomatoes and potatoes, red and green peppers.

If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis and ensure that you get enough iron on a daily basis.

Things that will rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, laxatives and diuretics, antiobiotics, antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin, otc cold and flu medicines.

Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks as they are all B complex thieves........ as well as being great at dehydrating you.

Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together)....... do not take any of the B complex of vitamins individually, but rather as a whole complex, unless specifically instructed to by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning.

The B complex of vitamins is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the consequences as you unfortunately are.

A good way to check if you are anaemic is to pull down the lower lid of your eyelids and check the coloring of the skin there. if it is pink or reddish then you are healthy, if it is pasty and pale then you are more than likely anaemic.

if you are drinking caffeinated beverages within an hour of eating your meals then you are more than likely inhibiting your iron absorption.

When you take your daily B complex please be aware that vitamin B12 needs vitamin B6 (included in a multi supplement B complex), calcium and vitamin D to be effectively absorbed.......... vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, so simply get 10 - 15 minutes per day of safe sun exposure and calcium rich foods are ~ leafy and green vegies, tofu, sardines, kale, broccoli, collard greens, salmon and tuna ...... salmon and tuna are cold water fishes which are also a rich source of magnesium (known as the antistress mineral) which is probably another thing you need to focus on as well ~ your stress levels. Quite a handfull of information here ........ sorry it's a bit long winded but you need to know all this.......... other foods rich in magnesium ... which is needed for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health are wholegrain cereals and breads and organic nuts and seeds (organic to avoid the nasty sulfites and chemicals they use to "preserve" the commercial varieties which may upset sensitive bodies)......... chow down on foods rich in magnesium to relieve stress and also help alleviate constipation and acid tummy issues and headaches and migraines.

When our bodies are placed under added stress such as sickness, relationship dramas, new job, school studies, boring jobs or just daily life really, the precious water soluble B complex of vitamins are usually the first group to get used up and we therefore need to adjust our intake accordingly.

When you are getting any stress related symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms simply take another B tablet. As they are water soluble our bodies will simply excrete any excess in our urine.

Drink loads of fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.j....... that of course could also be the reason for you dizzy spells...... dehydration will do it.

I sincerely wish you the best of health & vitality buddy♥

hope this helps you

參考: naturopath in training
2008-07-08 9:42 am
Dizziness and Vertigo can be caused my a multitude of things undetectable by medical achievements.

In cases I have dealt with, it comes with Stress and Anxiety.

Now, don't take my word, I'm only Sixteen.
But from what I have seen, in all my friends that have had this problem, those two reasons are the root cause.

Take time to relax each day.
Break away from your schedule.
2008-07-08 9:39 am
My doctor gave me a medecine for VERTIGO. I only had it for a short time for sinus cloggage.

check your ears. Friend of mine had to have his middle ear operated on, because it got so bad.

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