
2008-07-09 6:57 am
可以替我翻譯做英文嗎? 請不要網上翻譯功具, 最好英語是你日常生活的語言. Thank you!

1. 寧可煮少一點, 不夠才再煮, 也不要煮多, 吃不了.

不是從覆句, 因煮多(明天要吃舊飯) 和煮少(吃到一半要再等) 都各有壞處. 我想強調兩者之間, 我 **寧可** 選擇後者. 再者我不想用waste這字, 因不會waste(只會吃舊飯). Can you help again. Thanks in advance.

回答 (3)

2008-07-09 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is better to prepare less food and cook some more when it's not enough. Don't cook too much then to avoid wasting.
呢句中o既 then 係指「不夠才再煮」之時。
2008-07-09 7:24 pm
寧可煮少一點, 不夠才再煮, 也不要煮多, 吃不了.
寧可煮少一點 and 也不要煮多 (兩句一樣意思, 是從覆句)
Better cook less in quantity to prevent from wasting food, rather cook again if it's obviously insufficient.
參考: self
2008-07-09 7:51 am
寧可煮少一點, 不夠才再煮, 也不要煮多, 吃不了. should be
translated into this following:

We would rather cooking less meal than wasting the food!!If the
food is not enough, i will cook more as soon as possible!!!!
However, it is necessary that we should not cook too many meals
because we will full up!!!!
參考: myself..................

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