只讀2個al , 對入港大文學院影響(15分)

2008-07-09 4:07 am
我ce 17分 , 兩科語文都係5級 , 而家讀緊3個al (phy chem pure)
但係因為能力同老師質數問題(唔想出去補習) , 所以想drop pure maths
本身UE成績ok , 可以坐C

1) 只讀2個al對入港大文學院影響大唔大? 如果2個applicants成績一樣

2) 只讀2個al既考生係咩情況下會無咁佔優?

3)我ce得17分 , 2個al 係咪要攞B先入到港大文學院? 因為我見jupas 到寫港大文學院average score of 6 best ce subjects 係4.30 , 我17分計落都差幾多。

4)我應唔應該drop pure? 我想drop既原因係自己讀唔惦 , 對數字完全唔敏感 , 加上老師用notes上堂 , 佢份notes超深 , 而且上堂聽唔明佢既講解。我覺得如果要另外抽時間自己睇書自己讀既話 , 付出時間多 , 但回報低。加上大學只想報語文相關學系 , 所以我應唔應該drop pure?

希望有詳細小小既分析 , 唔該晒!

回答 (1)

2008-07-09 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1: your chance of getting into HKU BA is not high. Since HKU
consider 5AS subjects, i.e. at least 2AL+1AS. to speak the truth, 2AL is a bit
risky, and I know only a few person who entered HKU with 2 AL only,
although their CE marks are high (>25)

virtually they will consider your CE result. If two applicants really have the
same result, they will consider the 3rd AL subject.

Q2: if you are applying polyU, you will be disadvantaged.
conversely, students taking 4AL will be advantaged when applying polyU

Also, some courses require more than 2ALs, for example, HKU MBBS .
people with 2ALs NEVER have chance to study HKU MBBS

Q3: yes, at least 2 Bs .sorry, you will need more than that. So delighted to
see a candidate pronounced himself to get at least a C in UE, but UE C is not
enough because all BA students get at least a C in UE.

thus, you need 2Bs in your alevel. a C in CLC, and a B/C in UE

to enter HKU BA, you have to secure CCCCCC(clc+ue+2al+2as),
it is only the basic requirement. with 2 ALs, you have to get CCBB .to say the truth, people with CCCCCC is at the margin of the admission into HKU BA.
most people in HKU BA did better than CCCCCC

Q4: maybe you drop pure, take AS maths and stat. dropping a subject at this
stage is not desirable

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