grammar 一問

2008-07-09 3:02 am
The earth goes around the sun is known to everyone.


點解一句 可以有 2個 verb?

回答 (3)

2008-07-09 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The earth goes around the sun -呢部份係全句o既 subject
2.X is known to everyone -X就係主詞
The earth goes around the sun is known to everyone.
就大有問題,因為正如你所講,本句有兩個 verbs:goes 同 is。問題出於,一句完整句子本身唔可以成為另一句子o既主詞。唯一方法,就係將要變主詞o既句子變成一個 that clause。即係:
That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone.
咁你睇唔慣,但如果 that clause 做受詞,你又可能好熟悉:
Everyone knows that the earth goes around the sun.
即係話,that clause 可以作為名詞。
2008-07-09 3:55 am
The earth goes around the sun 為其中一句的子句; 屬 "主句 " main clause 說出主題.

is 是兩句子句的動詞.

known to everyone是另外的一句子句; 屬 " 述句 " predicate clause.

Re : is known 是被動的語氣 ( passive voice );即前面的一句提及的情況讓每個人知道.

2008-07-09 3:15 am
I think the verb is actually "IS"
This sentence can be broken down into two parts:
1st: The Earth goes around the Sun <-- this is a complete sentence
2nd: Known to everyone <-- this is NOT a complete sentence
and that they are linked with an "IS"

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