
2008-07-09 2:32 am
我有好多問題想問, 所以請答倒哂我d問題的人先好答, 唔該哂.

England 同Britain 有咩分別?

Sewage呢個字究竟點讀? 係 (su wage) 定係 (se wage) 呀?

adjacent to同 by同 close to同 near to 有咩分別??

oblong呢個字點解? 四邊形, 長方形, 定係其它?

arch-shaped 即係咩形狀??

put your through係咪即係駁線去邊到邊到咁? 呢句野點用嫁?

give it a go, give it a try, 同give it a miss 係點解?

回答 (1)

2008-07-09 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. see
I don't know how to say.....it just provides all Q. 1 answers.

2. 係 (su wage)

4. 橢圓形

5. 像拱門的形狀

2008-07-08 20:32:21 補充:
Others not clear

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