
2008-07-09 1:17 am
A ferry man has a problem. He has to take a goat, a wolf and a cabbage to the other side of the river. His boat is big enough to carry himself and one passenger at a time. How can he get them safely to the other side without any of them being eaten?

回答 (2)

2008-07-09 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The solution is as follows:
(wolf, cabbage) ---------- goat---------------> ( )
(wolf, cabbage) <-------------------------------- (goat )
(wolf ) ----------cabbage ----------> (goat )
(wolf ) <---------goat------------------ ( cabbage )
(goat ) --------- wolf ----------------->(cabbage )
(goat ) <----------------------------------- (cabbage, wolf)
( ) -------------goat ------------------>(cabbage, wolf)
(cabbage, wolf, goat)
We can get the work done!
2008-07-15 8:53 am
both of them are correct solution.

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