
2008-07-08 9:07 pm
我申請左working hoilday visa去perth(因男朋友住perth), 黎左兩個星期, 未搵倒野做, 有冇人同我一樣呀?有冇邊位可以指點下, 邊度搵工易d呢?

我係申請左1年既....WORKING HOILDAY VISA(只可以於同一間公司最長做6個月, 或讀4個月COURSE), 你話佢本地既中文報紙啦(星島or澳洲新報 ect)....會有好多招聘廣告, 我而家嘗試下搵下先, 你有冇link可以提供下呀....唔該曬你呀!

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你個working hoilday visa係幾個月定係一年/半年哥d呀?你先伸請左打稅既IRD No.先啦!!你想搵咩工?因為係working hoilday visa唔係work visa所以工作種類比較有限,般常係做超級市場/果園or farm...餐館較多!!你留意下佢本地既中文報紙啦(星島or澳洲新報 ect)....會有好多招聘廣告
2008-07-18 12:08 am
i think you should try to get ur TFN ( Tax File No. ) first .... do you know where can you get it ?? i think it will be in Francise St. in Northbridge , it is FREE!
and actually, i think you dont have to care about how long you can work in the same company !!! mean you may be able to work more than 6 months , as i think the government will not check you at all.......... got it ? haha they wont spend money to check if you work more than 6 months or not! it is not worth ar! haha my friends were working like a year in the same company too! haha

and Dont read the CHINESE newspaper la ! as it is LOW paid !!! and they usually wont pay the tax for you too. honestly , if you got any problems at work, ( eg. injury ) , then you can not claim money from that company ! but of course some of chinese companies will pay tax for you too ! depends la !
and what kind of jobs do you want to get ??? do you want to work in an office ? or you dont care about the job duties???
there are many jobs vacancies in restaurants, and how to get it ? haha just go to a restaurant , then ask them directly ! some restaurants may ask you to leave the CV to them ga ! hey , for the chinese restaurant , usually no tax , but very easy to get the job !
for another jobs in office , it is a bit hard to get it , but still got chances, no worry , and you may try Australian newspaper or seek.com.au la !
oh yea , remember that if you work in a tax paid job , they will help you to pay Superannuation ( not sure about the spelling ) haha , that is a benefit ,and when you leave australia onevday , you can get that money back ! it is like ur MPF in HK , got it ???good luck la , hope you can get a job asap , haha got any problems , can share again...
oh yea , i was studying in Perth...... so that is my own experience above.....

2008-07-17 16:13:06 補充:
oh yea , i still have some friends who are working in Perth, so do you mind telling me that what kind of jobs do you want to get ? see if i can help you or not ar !!! and which city are you staying now ? and can you work near the perth city or Northbridge ?

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