any advise for summer plans?

2008-07-08 7:58 pm
I want some advice for summer plans

I will not go to anywhere else. Can anyone give me some advice for what will I do besides read and summer holiday HW ?

Thank you

回答 (2)

2008-07-17 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try to learn something you like or you are interested.

Do some community services.

Go to museums because you will learn a lot there.

Learn a musical instrument.

Do more exercise as it is free to use the sports facilities in July, August, & Sep for celebration of the Beijing Olympics.

Anyway, try to spend your summer time wisely and fruitfully.
2008-07-08 8:11 pm
Go hangout with your friends :D
Find some time to go and to Ocean Park and Disneyland :)
or else...if you dun wana go to theme parks..go SHOPPING :D
shopping can makes you feel happier and time passes faster

you can join some community services or learn something that you're interested in :D
spend your summer wisely..MY FRIEND
參考: me :)

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