
2008-07-08 5:23 pm
Read the sentences about the sea and the weather below.Then put the adverbs in brackets in the correct positions in the sentences.Follow the example.
1. The mermaid swam under the sea.(happily)
2. The waves crashed on the beach this morning.(heavily)

3. The sun shone all day yesterday.(brightly)

4. The dolphins enjoy swimming with humans much.(so)

5. The mermaid slid into the water.(slowly)

6. It is going to rain.(probably)

7. Fishes die if you take them out of the water.(soon)

8. Johnny take a bus to the beach.(usually)

9. It has been very hot.(recently)

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2. The waves crashed on the beach this morning.(heavily)

The waves crashed heavily on the beach this morning.
今天早上, 那些浪花重重地拍打海灘。

3. The sun shone all day yesterday.(brightly)

The sun shone brightly all day yesterday.
咋天, 陽光整日燦爛地照耀著大地。

4. The dolphins enjoy swimming with humans much.(so)

The dolpins enjoy swimming with humans so much.

5. The mermaid slid into the water.(slowly)

The mermaid slid into the water slowly.

6. It is going to rain.(probably)

It is probably going to rain.

7. Fishes die if you take them out of the water.(soon)

Fishes die soon if you take them out of the water.

8. Johnny take a bus to the beach.(usually)

Johnny usually take a bus to the beach.

9. It has been very hot.(recently)

It has been very hot recently.
2008-07-08 6:00 pm
in most cases, adverbs are put after the verbs but there are exceptions.
1. The mermaid swam happily under the sea.
2. The waves crashed heavily on the beach this morning.
3. The sun shone brightly all day yesterday.
4. The dolphins enjoy swimming with humans so much.
5. The mermaid slid slowly into the water.
6. It is probably going to rain.
7. Fishes die soon if you take them out of the water.
8. Johnny usually take a bus to the beach.
9. It has been very hot recently.
參考: myself

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