
2008-07-08 8:05 am
1. 多倫多有邊幾間U係出名商科/Business既!?
2. 如果我係F5去.. 我可以有咩途徑升讀大學?!

如果去讀Grade 12 不會追唔上嗎?!?!?

回答 (3)

2008-07-09 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
响多倫多有三間大學可以讀Business, 多倫多大學 (University of Toronto), 約克大學 (York University), 懷已遜大學 (Ryerson University), 當然以多倫多大學最出名, 多倫多大學嘅商科系是世界級, 入學平均分係 85%以上. 但當然想讀好嘅商科唔需要一定留响多倫多, 响離多倫多兩小時車程都有幾間好勁嘅商科系, 皇后大學 (Queen's University), 西安省大學 (University of Western Ontario), 墨馬士打大學 (McMaster University), 响多倫多呢個省係全國最多大學嘅省份, 而好多間著名大學都係喺呢度.

F.5 程度當然唔好以直入大學, 相信你要讀十一班或十二班, 然後直升大學, 想有好成績唔好揀嗰啲專收外國學生嗰啲中學, 應該到出面嘅公立或私立中學, 師資及學生水準比較劃一, 你首先要做嘅應該係搵中學收你.
參考: 來自多倫多
2008-07-08 7:39 pm
If you are F5 now you should go to study Grade 12 and then go into university.

I suggest that you find a good private school, where local Canadians goes because as an international student you need to pay to study highschool. Since you need to pay why not go to a better school. In North America (Can & US) private schools are better than public schools, they have lower teachers and student ratio and students will be able to get better care.

As for university, you don't have to choose from Toronto as there are other more famous universities near Toronto, for example McMaster University which is in Hamilton just 1.5hrs away from Toronto and Queens University.

Focus in finding a good high school first.
參考: me
2008-07-08 8:17 am
多倫多地區有3間大學: University of Toronto、York University 和 Ryerson University。

商科最出名的是 Ryerson University (http://www.ryerson.ca/home.html) , 如果你完成 F5,來到應該要先讀一至兩年ESL班,拿夠分才可以報讀大學。

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