MIS major becoming marketable after graduation?

2008-07-07 10:49 pm
How can i become more marketable as an Management Information Systems major.I want to become a network systems and data communications analyst.

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 12:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2016-10-23 1:29 am
same age yet I doubt many that have not seen me considering that Grad could comprehend me. nevertheless have been given hair, despite the fact that customarily silver, yet did %. up some poundage. also have a beard( approximately 70percentsilver) and picture I even have genuinely reduced in size in top. ( no longer that i replaced into tall before everything) Amazingly, maximum individuals look to nicely known me a great deal quicker than I know them. I even have run into people that hadn't seen me in 2 many years and nevertheless look to comprehend me. wager i'm no longer solid at faces and am continuously at a draw back remembering who they're. I artwork the place there are approximately 850 workers and that i comprehend some I went to college with. curiously many greater considering that some are many times addressing me and that i've got no longer any clue who they're, even while they start reminiscing approximately "how a techniques back we bypass" wager I purely have been given fed on via the dmb azz.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:11:21
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