Are you driving less now compared to a year ago because of the high gas prices?

2008-07-07 3:57 pm
Crude oil prices are at an all time high of over $143 a barrel. Yet gas prices had just come down to just less than $4 a gallon in my area. Is this because we are consuming less gas these days?

回答 (15)

2008-07-07 4:14 pm
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Not really... I reduced my driving back in 1999 when I left the US Navy and returned to the San Francisco / San Jose area. There were just TOO many cars on the road, so I started commuting to the office by bicycle and train. I moved to an apartment that is in walking distance (1/2 mile) of my favorite pub and grocery.

I got laid off in 2002, and went to work as a faux-finisher and house-painter. I bought a SMALL old Toyota truck, and now drive it to the job-site on the first day and ride my bicycle back and forth until the LAST day of the job.

I estimate I've been saving about $15-20K a year compared to friends and neighbors... I only drive about 40-50 miles a week.

Just FYI, our local gas price yesterday was $4.75 a gallon.
2008-07-07 11:03 pm
The average American is driving much less (around 30% fewer miles) this year compared to last year, according to US Government figures.

I'm actually driving much more this year. I drive for necessity; gasoline prices have little to do with it.
2008-07-07 11:02 pm
I'm trying to drive less when possible for sure! I also think we are consuming a little bit less gas because a lot of people are getting rid of their huge SUV's and trucks and going to alternate more fuel efficient vehicles! Awesome question by the way!!!!
2008-07-07 11:01 pm
I have been trying to get errands done at one time on my way back from work so I don't have to go out again. And when I only have a few things to pick up at the grocery store I will walk instead. So I guess I have been driving less.
2008-07-08 2:36 am
Yes I drive a lot less since gas prices went up. I had a nightmare last night that gas went to $19 a gallon. Hopefully that doesn't come true.
2008-07-07 11:30 pm
Yes, we now think before taking the car out of the garage. Plan same places we need to go to so we can take care of the errons with one trip. Car pool when able. Also, I have slowed down on the freeway etc. When I see I am approaching a light light, I take my foot off the gas and coast to the red light. I am surprised at how many people will just race by me then to meet them stopped at the light. Duh. Also, be sure to keep your tires checked. Proper inflation can save $. Tune ups etc. The less gas we use, the more prices should can down.
2008-07-07 11:20 pm
Trying to make less trips, gas costs are ridiculous.
2008-07-07 11:08 pm
Driving less and using my personal car less often when possible.
If we really wanted to hurt the oil industry we would all stop driving for a week or two (Like that would ever happen!) and see how long the tankers could sit out in the ocean with full tanks, I believe the oil companies would lose millions, but they would just pass it on to us any way.
2008-07-07 11:07 pm
Yes. Last year alot of people were not worried about how far they drove or how much gas they used to get there. Today Thats on my mind almost everyday. I cant go to friends as much because it takes more gas that I need for other things. I dont go out as often either because I live in the country and it is more miles to get somewhere. So yes I really do. :)
2008-07-07 11:04 pm
How lucky! prices in my country are at around $5 a gallon. Unfortunately there is no good public transportation and people still need to use their cars every day. A lot of new cars are sold every day and traffic saturation is parallel to increase in gas prices. I am really sorry for those that really really need to save that money that are spending on gasoline and that are making their lifes a hell.

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