My Albino Rat is Sneezing, what is it and what do i do?

2008-07-07 8:28 am
He just started sneezing!

I use woodchips for his bedding =S But he lives with another rat and he doesn't sneeze...

回答 (6)

2008-07-07 12:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rats are quite prone to respiratory problems. What type of bedding are you using in the cage ? You should never use wood chips or cedar as they have alot of saw dust and cause such problems. You should be using Carefresh which is paper bedding and has no dust. I have hairless rats and they do well in this. You should also be sure that your rat is not in a drafty or damp area. Change your bedding regularly as any bedding harbors bacteria if left too long. A Vet most likely is needed at this point if the ratty looks ill depending on how long this has gone on and how often the ratty is sneezing or if it appears openly congested. Best of luck to you and the ratty !
2008-07-07 4:24 pm
Maybe your albino rat catch a cold thats why sneezing. why you don't bring your your rat to see the vet? So that you know why he is sneezing.
2008-07-07 3:48 pm
You should take your rat to a vet but it may not be anything serious. What kind of bedding are you using in his cage? Some types of wood shavings can irritate a rat and cause them to sneeze.
2008-07-07 11:07 pm
If your rat is just sneezing sometimes then it's ok (i had a rat named sneezy who died but not because she sneezed). If it is sneezing a lot then you should take it to the vet because this could mean it has an upper respiratory infection.
2008-07-07 4:19 pm
it might be because it has respretory infection so u might want to go to the vet and get a treat ment
2008-07-07 3:43 pm
sneezing is a red flag for respiratory infections. These are deadly with rats. Take her to a vet as soon as you can. I took my rat to a regular vet when she got her infection....but the medicine didn't work so I took her to my rabbit's exotics vet. They told me the reason the medicine didn't work is because the other vet gave us the wrong dosage, it was too small. I was given the correct dosage by the exotics vet, but it was too late. She died 2 weeks later. So, I would suggest you go straight to an exotics vet. If I had then she would have gotten the right amount of medicine and it would've most likely saved her. It just took too long for her to get the right amount of medicine she needed.

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