2008-07-08 7:52 am

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
所有資料如下. 重點是id 及筆

A valid ID with your name, signature and photograph. The name on the document(s) must be the same name you used when you registered. ID will be checked before you are admitted.
Your admission ticket with your registration number and the codes for the institutions you select as score recipients. See Institution and Department Codes.
Your signed photo-file record, with a recent, recognizable photo.
3 or 4 sharpened No. 2 or HB pencils and an eraser. Mechanical pencils are not permitted.

Acceptable Primary Identification Documents
You must have acceptable and valid identification with your name, recent and recognizable photo and signature to be admitted to a test center.

If your ID is not in English-language letters and the test administrator cannot read the language in which it is written or does not contain your signature, you must also present an additional ID from the list of supplemental IDs.

Important Note:
If the test administrator has any concerns about the primary ID document or you do not have any of the IDs listed above, you will be required to present an acceptable supplemental ID, see Additional Identification.

Your ID may be verified at the test center by:
thumb printing
signature comparison
other forms of electronic ID confirmation
If you refuse to have your ID verified, you will not be permitted to take the test and you will forfeit your test fee.
參考: 官方網頁
2008-07-08 8:02 am
你果日最緊要帶passport 或者特區護照 ,,
同埋print 果張confirmation sheet 第一版 ,,
show 到俾d 監考員睇就ok ,,

不過prepare for the worst ,,
因為佢係link過去新加坡果總部架 ,
如果send唔到過黎香港你都考唔到 ~
所以唔好太緊張 ,, 但亦要準備妥當 ,, 帶少少乾糧同水穩陣 ~

考得到就最好 ,, 果10分鐘break去一去toilet , 有少少野落肚對之後兩個鐘係一件好事 ~
但考唔到ge話 ,, 你等ge時間都唔洗咁緊張 ,, send唔到過黎ge佢都會免費幫你搞補考的 ~ 佢會主動call返你架 ,, take it easy ~

最緊要keep住腦筋靈活 ,, 轉數快 ,, 咁即使佢oral問你opinions又好 ,, reading 成4-5篇long text都好啦 ,, 你都會適應到的 ~ 加油啊 ! =]
參考: 我考過兩次 ,, 希望幫到你 =]

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