✔ 最佳答案
1. determine by size of the group and the bond strength of C-X bond:
size: eg. I>Br>Cl>>F which I being the easiest to undergo SN2
and C-I < C-Br <C-Cl << C-F in terms of bond strength
2. yes
3. yes, because it can hardly change back to its acid, which is strong (i.e. more reactive). in other words, weak conjugate base -> stable species already.
4. you have to show whether that's an aqueous condition / in non-polar solvent.
for 1st condition, assume that's in aq. the reaction is not feasible because the
conc of Cl- is not high. The bond of C-Br is not that weak to let Cl- break
C-Br and form C-Cl.
for the 2nd condition, if the bromoethane is put in conc HCl, i guess the
reaction can happen as H+ conc is high, which feasible for formation of HBr.
This can weaken C-Br bond and let Cl- to attack the carbon easier.
correct me if i am wrong
2008-07-11 00:54:47 補充:
to 冷風:
or i should say in this way:
though KCl can dissolve in water easily, there's no chemical species to weaken C-Br bond, so Cl- cannot be easily attack to the nucleophilic carbon.
correct me if i am wrong.