will the Internet signal the end of new paper

2008-07-08 4:59 am
Analysis by two:
will the Internet signal the end of new paper
1.why 2.why not
Between the two sides can be advantages or disadvantages for the article
around 250 words..
thank you

will the Internet signal the end of newspaper ,,(newspaper) sorry,i am wrong

回答 (2)

2008-07-09 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
-providing a faster news source
-free of charge
-could be easily access at home

why not?
-could not carry a computer around
-does not know if a particular website is reliable
-its a tradition
-not everyone yet knows how to use a computer
2008-07-08 5:51 am
Here's a suggestion for you, write this in Chinese, and ask people to translate for you or write a draft in English and ask people to correct your mistakes. If you don't do your research for your own work, who is going to do it for you?

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