
2008-07-08 12:13 am
Amy and Stephen are the amusement park.There have just lost a camera. Put their conversation in the correct order.Write the letters A-H in the boxes below.
A.No.I didn't take many photos, so I passed the camera to you.You've taken all the photos.
B.You mean you've lost it!
C.Have you got my camera?
D.I don't think we'll find it.
E.Oh.I'm carrying too many things.I didn't think about your camera.
F.I think I have. Look,we've spent enough time talking about it.Let's start looking for it.
G.Don't say that.We might find it. Let's try the Lost Property Office first.
H.No,I thought you were cattying it.

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
C.Have you got my camera?

H.No,I thought you were carrying it.

A.No.I didn't take many photos, so I passed the camera to you.You've taken all the photos.

E.Oh.I'm carrying too many things.I didn't think about your camera.

B.You mean you've lost it!

F.I think I have. Look,we've spent enough time talking about it. Let's start looking for it.

D.I don't think we'll find it.

G.Don't say that.We might find it. Let's try the Lost Property Office first.

Spelling mistakes:

H. Cattying > carrying
2008-07-08 12:58 am
首先我有理由相信你打漏及打錯了字並為你改正 !

Amy and Stephen are in the amusement park.They have just lost a camera. Put their conversation in the correct order.Write the letters A-H in the boxes below.
Amy 及 Stephen 正位於那個娛樂公園內. 他們剛遺失了相機.
請以合適的次序加人對話並在以下空格內寫上 A 至 H.

A.No.I didn't take many photos, so I passed the camera to you.You've taken all the photos.

A. 我沒有拍很多的照片, 已交你相機. 而你已經拍完所有的照片.

B.You mean you've lost it!

B. 你的意思是你剛遺失了相機 !

C.Have you got my camera?

C. 是否你剛取了我的相機 ?

D.I don't think we'll find it.

D. 我沒有想到我們將找到它 .

E.Oh.I'm carrying too many things.I didn't think about your camera.

E. 噢 ! 我攜帶的東西太多, 我沒有想及你的相機.

F.I think I have. Look,we've spent enough time talking about it.Let's start looking for it.

F. 我想我有. 看 ! 我們已經浪費很多時間在說話. 我們現開始尋找它 !

G.Don't say that.We might find it. Let's try the Lost Property Office first.

G. 不要如此說 ! 也許我們能找到它. 就讓我們先到失物中心尋找它.

H.No,I thought you were cattying it.

H. 不. 我想你一直在抓著它 !

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