
2008-07-07 11:15 pm
A.Amy is looking around the amusement park with her sister. Complete their conversation using 'much', 'a little', 'many' and 'a few'.
Amy:That ride is popular.There are so (1)________ people in the queue to go on it.
Nina:There is not (2)________ juice left at that stall. Look, there is only (3)________ left
Nina:Look, there are not any people queuing.There are only (4)________ people waiting.
Amy:I do not want (5)_________ ice cream. I will taste (6)________ of yours.
B.Amy is not very happy at the amusement park.Complete what she says by underlining the correct words in brackets.
This park is crowded,there are(1.too many / enough) people.There are not (2. too little / enough) rides.I do not want to queue for hours to get on a ride.I need another drink, but there are (3.enough / too few) stalls to buy drinks from.Everthing is expensive here.I've got (4. too many /too little) money and I can't afford many rides, they cost (5. too few / too much). Let's go home.

回答 (3)

2008-07-08 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

Amy:That ride is popular.There are so (1. many) people in the queue to go on

Nina:There is not (2. much) juice left at that stall. Look, there is only (3.a
little) left

Nina:Look, there are not any people queuing.There are only (4. a few) people waiting.

Amy:I do not want (5. much) ice cream. I will taste (6. a little) of


This park is crowded,there are(1.too many) people.There are not (2.enough)
rides.I do not want to queue for hours to get on a ride.I need another drink,
but there are (3. too few) stalls to buy drinks from.Everthing is expensive
here.I've got (4. too little) money and I can't afford many rides, they cost
(5. too much). Let's go home.
2008-07-07 11:39 pm
1) many
2) many
3) a few
4) a few
5) much
6) a little

1. too many
2. enough
3. too few
4. too little
5. too much
2008-07-07 11:20 pm

1. many
2. enough
3. little
4. few
5. any
6. none


1. too many
2. enough
3. too few
4. too little
5. too much

2008-07-07 15:22:20 補充:
2. much

3.&4. +a

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