請將以下中文番譯成英文, 唔該!

2008-07-07 8:26 pm
致: xxxx銀行

現通知 貴銀行之禮品換領部門, 茲因本人早前手持 貴銀行發出之換領信函到換領中心, 但其表示沒有該禮品, 故煩請將此換領信函上註明之積分撥回至本人之信用咭賬戶內, 如有任何疑問可致電 xxxxxxxx與x小姐聯系, 謝謝!

回答 (2)

2008-07-07 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Presently informs present of the expensive bank to receive in exchange the department, grasps the expensive bank now because of myself to send out it early to receive in exchange the correspondence to receive in exchange the center, but its expression not this present, therefore requests this to receive in exchange in the correspondence product of the indication to transfer to myself in the credit card account, if has any question to be possible to send a telegram to xxxxxxxx and x young lady relates, thanks!
參考: me me
2008-07-07 8:35 pm
Presently informs present of the expensive bank to receive in exchange the department, grasps the expensive bank now because of myself to send out it early to receive in exchange the correspondence to receive in exchange the center, but its expression not this present, therefore requests this to receive in exchange in the correspondence product of the indication to transfer to myself in the credit card account, if has any question to be possible to send a telegram to xxxxxxxx and x young lady relates, thanks!

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